Restarted computer this AM - WAMPSERVER fails to start MySQL 8.0.26.
Log file contains the following:
2021-12-16T11:11:56.631237Z 0 [System] [MY-010116] [Server]
c:\wamp64\bin\mysql\mysql8.0.26\bin\mysqld.exe (mysqld 8.0.26)
starting as process 4896
2021-12-16T11:11:56.645789Z 0 [ERROR] [MY-000077] [Server] c:\wamp64\bin\mysql\mysql8.0.26\bin\mysqld.exe:
Error while setting value 'dynanmic' to 'innodb-default-row-format'.
2021-12-16T11:11:56.646988Z 0 [ERROR] [MY-010746] [Server] Parsing
options for plugin 'InnoDB' failed.
2021-12-16T11:11:56.647364Z 0
[ERROR] [MY-010168] [Server] Failed to initialize builtin plugins.
If I comment out the line "innodb-default-row-format=dynamic" then MySQL will start but I don't understand the ramifications of having that line commented out.
I have not found anything related to this specific issue in my searches.
Any insight / solution greatly appreciated!
You just mispelled the word dynanmic on your configuration settings. The default row format for InnoDB tables is already DYNAMIC (starting from v5.7, in the previous version it was COMPACT)