Why does it say 'Die eingegebenen Daten haben den falschen Datentyp!' when the datatypes are actually right? Doesn't even work with just matrNr... Although I checked my input of matrNr to be an int?!
class Student:
def __init__(self):
self.matrNr = -1
self.vorname = ''
self.nachname = ''
self.gebDatum = []
self.email = ''
self.telNr = ''
def DatenUebergeben(self, matrNr, vorname, nachname, gebDatum, telNr):
if matrNr == int and vorname == str and nachname == str and gebDatum == list and telNr == str:
print('richtige Datentypen!')
print('Die eingegebenen Daten haben den falschen Datentyp!')
student1 = Student()
By checking (for example) matrNr == int
you actually compare the variable matNr
, which is an int
(an instance of <class 'int'>
) to the class int (<class 'int'>
You can use the type()
-function to get the type of a variable, resulting in type(matrNr) == int
. This does exactly what you are trying to achieve.
In Python you can define the types of variables a function accepts by adding : <type>
after the argument. The better solution would thus be:
def DatenUebergeben(self, matrNr: int, vorname: str, nachname: str, gebDatum: list, telNr: str):
# do something