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Is there a way to take a value from a function without returning it?

I am programming code for a squash game scoring system and already return 2 values. If i return another value it would mess up other functions in my code. So i am wondering if there is any way to access the pointCount value outside of the function without returning it?


  • I don’t recommend doing this, but a quick way is to use a global variable, you will have to declare it first

    pointCount = 0
    def eng_Game(ra,rb):
        global pointCount
        win = False
        winCondition = 9
        aServer = False
        bServer = False
        aScore = 0
        bScore = 0
        serverNum = random.randint(1,2)
        if serverNum == 1:
            aServer = True
        else: bServer = True
        while win == False:
            pointCount += 1
            ProbAWin = ra/(ra+rb)
            ProbBWin = rb/(rb+ra)
            ranNum = random.random()
            if ranNum < ProbAWin and aServer:
                aScore += 1
            elif ranNum < ProbAWin and aServer == False:
                aServer = True
                bServer = False
            elif ranNum > ProbAWin and bServer:
                bScore += 1
            elif ranNum > ProbAWin and bServer == False:
                bServer = True
                aServer = False
            if aScore == winCondition or bScore == winCondition:
                return aScore,bScore
            elif aScore == 8 and bScore == 8:
                playTo = random.randint(1,2)
                if playTo == 1:
                    winCondition = 10

    You will be able to access it using the pointCount variable outside the function now.

    The proper way to do this would be to declare a class and initialise variables inside the class, then use the self.variable names to access and modify them. This is a good place to start, the syntax is quite easy to understand.