I'm trying to get my visitor when they visit my site to auto connect to the other site once
I did put this
<?php require_once("http://webtoconnect.com"); ?>
but I guess this code wouldn't work it just give me an error something like this
Warning: require_once() [function.require-once]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /home/yoursn0w/public_html/tv/index.php on line 1
so I wonder how can I do to get my visitor stay in the same page but auto connect once to the site I want?
I'm not sure of what you mean by auto connect to the other site but if your goal is to include a remote page in php code you configuration should have the directive :
allow_url_include = On
in your php.ini (available since PHP 5.2.0. Note that directive is set to off by default due to security reason. By using this directive in a none safe environement (typically internet) you will be exposed to major security risk , be aware of that.
If your goal is just display a remote site to you visitor you can simply use an iframe like this :
<iframe src="http://google.fr" height="250" width="350"></iframe>