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Xlwings Insert new row with no formatting

I am using xlwings in python and I am trying to insert a new row that does not copy formatting from adjacent rows. Currently I have:


According to excel docs ( the dafault option for CopyOrigin is xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove and there is no option for no formatting, but it can be achieved using the clear formats method:

With Range("B2:E5")
.Insert xlShiftDown

Above is VB code but I'm not sure how to use the ClearFormats method in python, I have tried:


and others ways of adding ClearFormats but cant get it to work. Thanks


  • Using the xlwings api:

    ws =
    ws.range('8:8').insert(shift='down', copy_origin='format_from_left_or_above')
    ws.range('8:8').clear()  # clears content and formatting
    • shift - 'down' or 'right'
    • copy_origin - 'format_from_left_or_above' or 'format_from_right_or_below'

    If you would still like to use the native excel api:

    ws =
    ws.range('I:I').api.Insert(Shift=-4161, CopyOrigin=1) # shift right, format from right or below

    The respective values for Shift and CopyOrigin below:

    • Shift param
    Name            Value
    xlShiftDown     -4121
    xlShiftToRight  -4161
    • CopyOrigin param
    Name                    Value
    xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove     0
    xlFormatFromRightOrBelow    1