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How to access Vue 3 global properties from the store

In Vue 2 I used to import Vue and access global properties like this (from the store):

import Vue from 'vue'    

According to the new documentation, in Vue 3 the global properties are declared using the app object returned by createApp:

const app = createApp({})

And then accessed in the child component by simply calling this.myglobalProperty

But how to access that global property from the store? I tried exporting/importing the app object but it doesn't work (probably due to the app being created after its import in the store).

With Vue 2 I used to use global properties in the store like this:
Declaration in the main.js file:

import Vue from 'vue'
Vue.config.myglobalProperty = 'value'

Usage in the store:

import Vue from 'vue'

Is there a good way to do that in Vue3?

I noticed a better way to provide/inject properties but it works with child component only and not with the store.


  • You could pass the app instance to a store factory:

    // store.js
    import { createStore as createVuexStore } from 'vuex'
    export const createStore = (app) => {
      return createVuexStore({
        actions: {
          doSomething() {
            if (app.config.globalProperties.myGlobal) {

    And use it in main.js like this:

    // main.js
    import { createApp } from 'vue'
    import { createStore } from './store'
    const app = createApp({})
    const store = createStore(app)

    If your store modules need access to the app instance, you could use the same technique above with a module factory:

    // moduleA.js
    export default (app) => {
      return {
        namespaced: true,
        actions: {
          doSomething() {
            if (app.config.globalProperties.myOtherGlobal) {

    And import it into your store like this:

    // store.js
    import moduleA from './moduleA'
    import { createStore as createVuexStore } from 'vuex'
    export const createStore = (app) => {
      return createVuexStore({
        modules: {
          moduleA: moduleA(app),