I try to learn agda and use the tutorial. I paste code for two mutally recursive sets
module MoreSets where
data List₁ (A B : Set) : Set
data List₂ (A B : Set) : Set
data List₁ (A B : Set) where
[] : List₁ A B
_∷_ : A → List₂ A B → List₁ A B
data List₂ (A B : Set) where
_∷_ : B → List₁ A B → List₂ A B
and get the error
Unexpected type signature for parameters A B
when checking the definition of List₁
I assume a trivial error but cannot see it.
What is a simple tutorial to learn agda for a Haskell programmer which does not go deep into category theory?
You're not supposed to repeat the type annotations that you had in the declarations when you're defining the inductive type. So:
module MoreSets where
data List₁ (A B : Set) : Set
data List₂ (A B : Set) : Set
data List₁ A B where
[] : List₁ A B
_∷_ : A → List₂ A B → List₁ A B
data List₂ A B where
_∷_ : B → List₁ A B → List₂ A B