I am running into the following error when I try to run Automated ML through the studio on a GPU compute cluster:
Error: AzureMLCompute job failed. JobConfigurationMaxSizeExceeded: The specified job configuration exceeds the max allowed size of 32768 characters. Please reduce the size of the job's command line arguments and environment settings
The attempted run is on a registered tabulated dataset in filestore and is a simple regression case. Strangely, it works just fine with the CPU compute instance I use for my other pipelines. I have been able to run it a few times using that and wanted to upgrade to a cluster only to be hit by this error. I found online that it could be a case of having the following setting: AZUREML_COMPUTE_USE_COMMON_RUNTIME:false; but I am not sure where to put this in when just running from the web studio.
It looks like the bug was fixed. I just ran it on a cluster without changing any of the parameters. Thank you Yutong for the help!