I have been wrangling some data accessed from various databases and now have two columns that include duplicate information in some rows, but not in others. I would like to combine these two columns, but only keep one set of information if it is duplicate.
Here is an example of what my data looks like:
species <- c('taxon1', 'taxon2', 'taxon3', 'taxon4', 'taxon 5', 'taxon6','taxon7','taxon8')
continentmax <- c(NA,'North America','Oceania','Europe, North America, and Oceania',NA,NA,'Europe',NA)
continentmin <- c('South America','North America',NA,'Europe, North America, and Oceania',NA,NA,'Europe','Asia')
df <- data.frame(species, continentmax, continentmin)
species continentmax continentmin
1 taxon1 <NA> South America
2 taxon2 North America North America
3 taxon3 Oceania <NA>
4 taxon4 Europe, North America, and Oceania Europe, North America, and Oceania
5 taxon 5 <NA> <NA>
6 taxon6 <NA> <NA>
7 taxon7 Europe Europe
8 taxon8 <NA> Asia
For some rows both are NA, some have duplicate information, and some have information in only one column. I would like to have a combined continent column as output, like so:
species continent
1 taxon1 South America
2 taxon2 North America
3 taxon3 Oceania
4 taxon4 Europe, North America, and Oceania
5 taxon 5 <NA>
6 taxon6 <NA>
7 taxon7 Europe
8 taxon8 Asia
I have tried df$continent <- paste(df$continentmax, df$continentmin, collapse = ',')
but the resulting column has each row filled with all continents.
When I used df$continent <- paste(unique(c(df$continentmax[1], df$continentmin[1])), collapse = ',')
I get approximately the desired result but only for the first row, and the NA is also pasted as text. I have over 2000 rows so this method is not feasible.
I have also tried using sapply and a tidy way using mutate to no avail. The closest I've come is by using df$continent <- do.call(paste, c(df[2:3], sep = ","))
with the result:
species continent
1 taxon1 NA,South America
2 taxon2 North America,North America
3 taxon3 Oceania,NA
4 taxon4 Europe, North America, and Oceania,Europe, North America, and Oceania
5 taxon 5 NA,NA
6 taxon6 NA,NA
7 taxon7 Europe,Europe
8 taxon8 NA,Asia
The desired information is present in each row but the NAs are included and duplicate data is listed twice. I have considered writing a function to go row by row but haven't been able to get the syntax right.
Any ideas on how to approach this? I haven't found any answer that works for me in the many entries on combining column contents.
Any help is very much appreciated!
edit: Out of curiosity, does anyone have a data.table or base R solution ?
How about this...
df %>%
mutate(continent = case_when(continentmax == continentmin ~ continentmax,
is.na(continentmax) & !is.na(continentmin) ~ continentmin,
!is.na(continentmax) & is.na(continentmin) ~ continentmax,
is.na(continentmax) & is.na(continentmin) ~ NA_character_))
Or more efficiently... You can also use this.
df %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(continent = max(continentmax, continentmin, na.rm = T))
data.table solution
df.dt = as.data.table(df)
df.dt2 = df.dt[,continent:=pmin(continentmax, continentmin, na.rm = T)]