Just installed for the first time Teleport (ver. 8.0.1) on an Ubuntu 20.04 VM. I'm able to login into the web UI. Now I'm trying to add a remote node to the main server (bastion). Following the docs, when trying to add node, this error shows up:
INFO [PROC:1] Connecting to the cluster NODE1 with TLS client certificate. service/connect.go:132
ERRO [PROC:1] Node failed to establish connection to cluster: Failed to connect to Auth Server directly or over tunnel, no methods remaining.. service/connect.go:68
BTW, there's no firewall enabled (neither system nor cloud firewall).
To add a node, I did the following:
tctl tokens add --type=node
sudo teleport start --roles=node --token=XXX --ca-pin=XXX --auth-server=SERVER_FQDN_NAME:3025
Is this the proper way to add a node? (the official docs are quite confusing... some say that this last command should be performed in the bastion host, some other say in the node host... and also pointing to different ports 3025 in this case or 443 in others)
The right command to issue on the node server is: sudo teleport start --roles=node --auth-server=https://your.domain.tld:443 --token=TOKEN
Port 3025
should be used only when installing both the Teleport bastion (master) and the Teleport node on a virtual private network (like AWS VPC).