My main aim is to show log file in a prometheus server. For that, I'm using grok-exporter.
To do so, I've showed path to my log file path and changed metrics type and matches. As shown below:
config_version: 3
type: file
path: /tmp/model.log
readall: true # Read from the beginning of the file? False means we start at>
fail_on_missing_logfile: true
- type: grok_patterns
dir: /opt/grok-exporter/patterns
- 'METRICS [a-zA-Z ]'
- type: gauge
name: model_log
help: Average duration of model
match: '%{DATE:date} %{TIME:time} %{METRICS:metrics} %{NUMBER:avg_hour}'
value: '{{.avg_hour}}'
metrics: '{{.metrics}}'
protocol: http
port: 9144
And my log file looks like:
2021-11-09 15:18:17 avg_hour 0.9
2021-11-09 15:20:06 avg_hour 0.5
2021-11-09 15:20:06 avg_hour 0.4
When I started grok-exporter.server at 9144, only default metrics were launched.
One of them is 'grok_exporter_line_processing_errors_total'. Which shows:
grok_exporter_line_processing_errors_total{metrics="model_log"} 0
which means I've zero error.
But, I couldn't see my metric 'model_log' in the server. Maybe I've wrong grok pattern types, or grok couldn't access to the model_log at '/tmp/'. But if that's true, error should be appeared.
UPDATE: When I write on command line:
journalctl -eu grok-exporter
there's an error:
... status =255/EXCEPTION
grok-exporter.service failed with results 'exit-code'
Failed to load ~/config.yml: invalid configuration: yaml: line 21: could not find expected ':'
But the:
systemctl status grok-exporter.service
is active running. What might be the problem? I think there's no problem with ':' in line 21.
I think the problem lies in the patterns you're using to identify your metrics - the github page ( touches upon this but there's not a great deal out there that seems to explain the behaviour.
Grok needs recognisable patterns, and if you're attempting to define a pattern for a column in your logs that doesn't match the data trying to be parsed, Grok won't act on it. This is evident when you search the http://localhost:9145/metrics (or whatever port you're hosting your target on) and look for the line:
grok_exporter_lines_matching_total{metric="log_events_total_count"} 0
In that example I've called my metric 'log_events_total_count' and Grok has been unable to identify a pattern based on the following:
- 'METRIC [a-zA-Z ]'
- type: gauge
name: log_events_total_count
help: Average duration of model
match: '%{DATE:date} %{TIME:time} %{METRIC:event} %{NUMBER:num}'
value: '{{.num}}'
Event: '{{.event}}'
If you remove the '%{NUMBER:num}' and change your gauge to a counter, you should find that only 'a' will appear for the Event label, similar to the following:
- 'METRIC [a-zA-Z ]'
- type: counter
name: log_events_total_count
help: Average duration of model
match: '%{DATE:date} %{TIME:time} %{METRIC:event}'
Event: '{{.event}}'
log_events_total_count{Event="a"} 3
There's two things to consider for your logs in particular:
I'd highly recommend using the regexr website which allows you to input some sample text and then try out different regular expressions >>
To address your METRIC pattern, change it to include w+ so that a "word" is trying to be matched:
- 'METRIC ([a-zA-Z])\w+'
For your numerical value, as it's a floating point you can use the NUMBER grok_pattern and convert it to represent the decimal point:
With that in place, the gauge counter should present you with something similar to this:
log_events_total_count{Event="avg_hour"} 0.4
Hopefully this helps!