Meta Context:
I'm building an api using aiohttp. Since it's an asynchronous framework, I have to use async to define handlers. Example:
async def index_handler(request):
return web.Response(text="Hello, world")
app = web.Application()
app.router.add_route("GET", "/", index_handler)
Code Context:
During development, I found myself in a situation where i have nested function calls like so:
def bar():
return "Hi"
async def foo():
return bar()
await foo()
When I was thinking about performance, I didn't know whether or not I should do these nested functions all async as well. Example:
async def bar()
return "Hi"
async def foo():
return await bar()
await foo()
What is the best way to do nested function calls to optimize performance? Always use async/await or always use sync? Does this makes a difference?
Well in your case you dont need to async everything unless you have code that could potentially block things for example:
def bar():
"""This function is not async because there is no need to."""
return "Hi"
async def foo():
return bar()
await foo()
But if your function bar for examples sleeps or do some async functions inside, then you should async the function
async def bar():
"""This function needs to be async because there
are operations that potentially could block"""
await asyncio.sleep(1)
return "Hi"
async def foo():
return bar()
await foo()
So for summarize, if you are using async operations you need to have a very clear idea of how your program runs and what it is doing in order to avoid to put async everywhere.