I'm trying to concat multiple fields in AG Grid. This is working but when the field is blank the grid shows undefined.
See my code below. I have a grid that has a students First, Middle and Last Name. However, when the Middle name is blank, the 'Student' field, where the values are concatenated it shows the middle name as undefined.
this.state = {
modules: AllCommunityModules,
columnDefs: [
headerName: "FirstName",
field: "MiddleName",
header: "MiddleName",
field: "LastName",
header: "LastName",
field: "Student",
header: "Student",
valueGetter: studentValueGetter,
function studentValueGetter(params) {
return params.data.FirstName + params.data.MiddleName + params.data.LastName;
A header | Another header | A header | Another header |
John | Pete | Smith | JohnPeteSmith |
Sarah | Jane | SarahunderfinedJane |
Just add a condition on the middle name:
return params.data.FirstName + ' ' +
(params.data.MiddleName ? params.data.MiddleName + ' ' : '') +
Or the same thing with more advanced syntax:
const { FirstName, MiddleName, LastName } = params.data;
return [FirstName, MiddleName, LastName].filter(n => !!n).join(' ');
Not an ag-grid specific thing though; this is JavaScript generally.