I have Source csv file, In which there is one column which have multiple values (data sep.by comma (,)) so I want extract that particular one column using data factory and store that multiple records into table (in database) with different column name
Could you please suggest how should I design that azure data factory pipeline ?
You can use the split function in the Data flow Derived Column
transformation to split the column into multiple columns and load it to sink database as below.
Source transformation:
Derived Column transformation:
Using the split() function, splitting the column based on delimiter which returns an array.
Derived Column data preview:
Here 2 new columns are added in the derived column which stores the split data from the source column (name).
Select transformation (optional):
In Select transformation, we can remove columns which are not used in sink and only select required columns.
Connect sink to the database and map the column to load the data.