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Is it possible to create visible documentation for package in go?

How to create visible Go documentation?

That is easy to create documentation for any function in go like that:

package main

// documentation example
func DocumentedFunction() bool {
    return true

And i can see that documentation when i call that function:

alt text

Can i write package documentation, that will be visible from editor/IDE? Do i have to install additional tools to achieve similar behaviour for package documentation?


  • According to the official Go documentation and this link, it should be possible to create documentation for an entire package the same way you would do it for a function:

    To document a function, type, constant, variable, or even a complete package, write a regular comment directly preceding its declaration, with no blank line in between.

    For example: the strings package:

    // Package strings implements simple functions to manipulate UTF-8 encoded strings.
    // For information about UTF-8 strings in Go, see
    package strings
    rest of the file

    So you basically just add a normal comment above the package keyword.