I need to get users churn rate value grouped by years and user types in single SQL request.
Churn rate = Users lost this year (archived) / (Users count at start of this year + Users count registered in this year)
Users lost this year - users who have 'archive_date' (DATETIME) field within specific year.
Users counts - can be calculated by 'registered' (DATETIME) field.
I need to get this data grouped by all years that exists in DB (for user registration dates), and grouped by user type.
Expected results (just a sample):
year | user_type | churn_rate
2019 | A | 32
2019 | B | 20
2019 | C | 15
2020 | A | 52
2020 | B | 45
... etc years and user types
Sample data DB fiddle: https://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=mysql_5.7&fiddle=0f79c8fb40b6c1185908f91ce39d6251
For example for this sample fiddle in 2020 year registered 1 new user, we have 2 users at start of 2020 (they are registered in 2019), and we have 1 user archived in 2020, so (if we will not group this by user type) overall churn rate for 2020 year will be:
Churn rate = 1 / (2 + 1) = 0.33 (33% Churn rate)
Code should work with MySQL 5.7.
SELECT year_reg,
SUM(YEAR(registered) < year_reg AND (YEAR(archive_date) > year_reg OR archive_date IS NULL)) AS reg_before,
SUM(YEAR(registered) = year_reg) AS reg_cur,
SUM(YEAR(archive_date) = year_reg) AS arch_cur,
SUM(YEAR(archive_date) = year_reg) / (SUM(YEAR(registered) < year_reg AND (YEAR(archive_date) > year_reg OR archive_date IS NULL)) / SUM(YEAR(registered) = year_reg)) churn_rate
FROM users
FROM users) years_list
GROUP BY year_reg
PS. I'm not sure that your formula for Churn rate (%)
is correct... so I return separate statistic values. Combine them till correct output.