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Extract gpg fingerprint

I'm trying to extract the fingerprint from a key in my keyring and I can't figure out how to parse the output.


gpg --fingerprint 'Identifier'


pub   rsa3072 2021-12-14 [SC]
      ABCD EFGH 1234 5678 ABCD  ABCD EFGH 1234 5678 ABCD
uid           [ unknown] First Last (Identifier) <>
sub   rsa3072 2021-12-14 [E]

I want to extract the short or long fingerprint ABCD EFGH 1234 5678 ABCD ABCD EFGH 1234 5678 ABCD

Adding a --with-colons to the call ends up printing multiple fingerprints


What is the best method for extracting the fingerprint for a public and secret key in my key ring?

gpg --version
gpg (GnuPG) 2.2.27


  • Using sed

    $ gpg --fingerprint | sed -n '/^\s/s/\s*//p'
    ABCD EFGH 1234 5678 ABCD  ABCD EFGH 1234 5678 ABCD

    -n - Silence the output

    /^\s/ - Match lines that begin with a space

    s/\s*//p - Remove the leading spaces. Print.