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How to change metabase's access port on linux?

I have a problem to change the metabase's port on linux

the ways described in , but i'm not clearly understand what I must do

the page's screenshot

after that the tutorial directed to , but still i'm not clearly understand

if there are any other solution, please let me know, thank you very much


  • I am not familiar with Metabase, but the documentation you linked to says:

    You can use another port than 3000 by setting the MB_JETTY_PORT environment variable before running the jar.

    Therefore, I would try running the following command in my Bash shell to set the environment variable for that shell:

    export MB_JETTY_PORT=12345

    Then, in that same shell, I would run whatever command is used to start the JAR file.

    You can run echo $MB_JETTY_PORT at any time to check the value of that environment variable, or run env to see all your environment variables.

    Alternatively, if you prefer, Bash has syntax for temporarily setting an environment variable just for a single command. The syntax is:

    MB_JETTY_PORT=12345 your_command_here

    If you're not using Bash, your other shell probably has similar ways to set the environment variables.