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Using Streams, see if a list contains a property of an object from another list

Jeez, I almost need another bit of help in how to phrase this question! New Java II student here, thanks in advance for your time.

I have a list of employees that look like this:

public class Employee {
    private String name;
    private String department;

And a list of Companies that look like this:

public class Company {  
    private String name;    
    List<Department> departments;

Department is just:

public class Department{    
    private String name;
    private Integer totalSalary;

So I'm tasked with streaming a list of employees that work for the same company. (Sorry for not saying before: the company is passed in to a fuction. It's the lone argument) It seemed easy when I first read it, but because of how the classes are set up, (Company with only a list of departments, and Employee with a single department, but no link between employee and company) I can stream to make a list of all Departments in a Company, but just don't know how to bring that back and match the employee's department string with any string from the departments that belong to the Company in question...

List<Department> deptsInCompany =
                .filter(s -> s.getName().equals(passedInCompany))
                .flatMap(s -> s.getDepartments().stream())              

I'm just not sure how to use that list of departments to backtrack and find the Employees in those departments. I think my ROOKIE mind can't get past wanting there to be a list of Employees in each department object, but there's not!

Any little nudge would be greatly appreciated! I promise to pay it forward when i've got some skill!!


  • Collect the department names of the (single) company with the given name into a Set (which is faster for lookup than a List).

    Set<String> departmentNames =
        .filter(c -> c.getName().equals(companyName))

    Then remove all employees that aren't in those departments from the list.

    employees.removeIf(e -> !departmentNames.contains(e.getDepartment()));

    If you want to preserve the list of employees, filter and collect:

    List<Employee> employeesInCompany =
        .filter(e -> departmentNames.contains(e.getDepartment()))