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Objective-C class method does not call delegate methods while instance method does

I have the following 2 methods:

-(void)authenticateUserToGoogle:(NSString *)userName withPassword:(NSString *)password {

    URLstr = @"";
    NSURL *theURL = [NSURL URLWithString:URLstr];
    NSURLRequest *theRequest = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:theURL cachePolicy:NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy timeoutInterval:100.0];

    NSURLConnection *theConnection = [[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:theRequest delegate:self];

    if (!theConnection) {
        NSLog(@"COuldn't register device information with Parking Server");
    } else {
        NSLog(@"Got a connection!!");
        NSMutableData       *_responseData = [NSMutableData data];
        NSLog(@"respone_data = %@",_responseData);


-(void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveResponse:(NSURLResponse *)response {
    NSHTTPURLResponse *HTTPResponse = (NSHTTPURLResponse *)response;
    NSInteger statusCode = [HTTPResponse statusCode];

    if (404 == statusCode || 500 == statusCode) {
        //[self.controller setTitle:@"Error Getting Parking Spot ....."];
        [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible:FALSE];

        [connection cancel];
        NSLog(@"Server Error - %@", [NSHTTPURLResponse localizedStringForStatusCode:statusCode]);
    } else if (200 == statusCode) {
        NSLog(@"GOT A 'OK' RESPONSE CODE");



If I call the authenticateUserToGoogle method as an instance method like this:

[self authenticateUserToGoogle:user withPassword:password]

I get the the following output:

2011-08-12 00:14:08.490 stcoks[81272:f203] Got a connection!!
2011-08-12 00:14:08.492 stcoks[81272:f203] respone_data = <>
2011-08-12 00:14:08.726 stcoks[81272:f203] GOT A 'OK' RESPONSE CODE

However, if I change the authenticateUserToGoogle method to be a class method by simply changed the "-" to "+" in the method signature and then call it like this:

[MasterViewController authenticateUserToGoogle:user withPassword:password]

I get the following output:

2011-08-12 00:14:08.490 stcoks[81272:f203] Got a connection!!
2011-08-12 00:14:08.492 stcoks[81272:f203] respone_data = <>

In other words it seems like the with the class method, the delegate method connection didReceiveResponse never gets called!!

Can anyone explain this behavior to me? Thanks!


  • When you start the NSURLConnection with delegate:self, that sets up the delegate object which will receive the connection:didReceiveResponse: message. If you use self within a class method, this method will also be called as a class method.