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T-SQL :: information_type is not parsed in SQL Server 2019

My query doesn't seems to parse information_type


  1. Take AdventureWork or any other test database
  2. Right click on your test database > Tasks > Data Discovery and Classification > Classify Data... and classify a bunch of data
  3. Now use this query to check your information_type column (here I'm using AdventureWork2019):

Paste this select and execute

    schema_name(O.schema_id) AS schema_name,
    O.NAME AS table_name,
    C.NAME AS column_name,
         [Type] = 
      WHEN ct.[name] IN ('varchar', 'char') THEN ct.[name] + '(' + IIF(c.max_length = -1, 'max', CAST(c.max_length AS VARCHAR(25))) + ')' 
      WHEN ct.[name] IN ('nvarchar','nchar') THEN ct.[name] + '(' + IIF(c.max_length = -1, 'max', CAST(c.max_length / 2 AS VARCHAR(25)))+ ')'      
      WHEN ct.[name] IN ('decimal', 'numeric') THEN ct.[name] + '(' + CAST(c.precision AS VARCHAR(25)) + ', ' + CAST(c.scale AS VARCHAR(25)) + ')'
      WHEN ct.[name] IN ('datetime2') THEN ct.[name] + '(' + CAST(c.scale AS VARCHAR(25)) + ')'
      ELSE ct.[name]
                  WHEN information_type = 'Contact Info' 
                     THEN 'contact info'
                  ELSE 'not contact info'
             END AS varchar(max)) as Checking_Content
FROM sys.sensitivity_classifications sc
    JOIN sys.objects O
    ON  sc.major_id = O.object_id
    JOIN sys.columns C 
    ON  sc.major_id = C.object_id  AND sc.minor_id = C.column_id
    JOIN sys.types ct ON C.user_type_id = ct.user_type_id
    --AND EP.minor_id = C.column_id
    order by information_type

As you can see the query is returning not contact info even when the column information_type has value Contact Info

schema_name table_name column_name Type information_type label rank rank_desc Checking_Content
Person PersonPhone PhoneNumber Phone Contact Info Confidential 20 MEDIUM not contact info
Person PersonPhone PhoneNumberTypeID int Contact Info Confidential 20 MEDIUM not contact info
Person PhoneNumberType PhoneNumberTypeID int Contact Info Confidential 20 MEDIUM not contact info
Person Address AddressLine1 nvarchar(60) Contact Info Confidential 20 MEDIUM not contact info
Person Address AddressLine2 nvarchar(60) Contact Info Confidential 20 MEDIUM not contact info
Person Address City nvarchar(30) Contact Info Confidential 20 MEDIUM not contact info
Person Address PostalCode nvarchar(15) Contact Info Confidential 20 MEDIUM not contact info
Production ProductReview EmailAddress nvarchar(50) Contact Info Confidential 20 MEDIUM not contact info
Person EmailAddress EmailAddress nvarchar(50) Contact Info Confidential 20 MEDIUM not contact info
dbo ErrorLog UserName sysname Credentials Confidential 20 MEDIUM not contact info
Person Password PasswordHash varchar(128) Credentials Confidential 20 MEDIUM not contact info
Person Password PasswordSalt varchar(10) Credentials Confidential 20 MEDIUM not contact info
Sales CreditCard CreditCardID int Credit Card Confidential 20 MEDIUM not contact info
Sales CreditCard CardType nvarchar(50) Credit Card Confidential 20 MEDIUM not contact info
Sales CreditCard CardNumber nvarchar(25) Credit Card Confidential 20 MEDIUM not contact info
Sales CreditCard ExpYear smallint Credit Card Confidential 20 MEDIUM not contact info
Sales PersonCreditCard CreditCardID int Credit Card Confidential 20 MEDIUM not contact info
Sales SalesOrderHeader CreditCardID int Credit Card Confidential 20 MEDIUM not contact info
Sales SalesOrderHeader CreditCardApprovalCode varchar(15) Credit Card Confidential 20 MEDIUM not contact info
HumanResources Employee BirthDate date Date Of Birth Confidential - GDPR 20 MEDIUM not contact info

I'm very confused:

enter image description here

What do you think?


  • According to

    exec sp_describe_first_result_set N'select * from sys.sensitivity_classifications sc'

    information_type is a sql_variant. Which is not per the docs but should not be an issue as compatible types are converted to sql_variant for comparison without issue. EG

    select case when  cast(N'Contact Info' as sql_variant) = 'Contact Info' then 1 else 0 end



    So this is potentially a bug. You can work around by casting explitly to nvarchar. eg

        schema_name(O.schema_id) AS schema_name,
        O.NAME AS table_name,
        C.NAME AS column_name,
             [Type] = 
          WHEN ct.[name] IN ('varchar', 'char') THEN ct.[name] + '(' + IIF(c.max_length = -1, 'max', CAST(c.max_length AS VARCHAR(25))) + ')' 
          WHEN ct.[name] IN ('nvarchar','nchar') THEN ct.[name] + '(' + IIF(c.max_length = -1, 'max', CAST(c.max_length / 2 AS VARCHAR(25)))+ ')'      
          WHEN ct.[name] IN ('decimal', 'numeric') THEN ct.[name] + '(' + CAST(c.precision AS VARCHAR(25)) + ', ' + CAST(c.scale AS VARCHAR(25)) + ')'
          WHEN ct.[name] IN ('datetime2') THEN ct.[name] + '(' + CAST(c.scale AS VARCHAR(25)) + ')'
          ELSE ct.[name]
                      WHEN cast(information_type as nvarchar(200)) = 'Contact Info' 
                         THEN 'contact info'
                      ELSE 'not contact info'
                 END AS varchar(max)) as Checking_Content
    FROM sys.sensitivity_classifications sc
        JOIN sys.objects O
        ON  sc.major_id = O.object_id
        JOIN sys.columns C 
        ON  sc.major_id = C.object_id  AND sc.minor_id = C.column_id
        JOIN sys.types ct ON C.user_type_id = ct.user_type_id
        --AND EP.minor_id = C.column_id
        order by information_type