I'm trying to make a pension tax calculator and have created a class "Client" that will accept inputs from two separate users and calculate their taxes based on these inputs.
Is there a cleaner way for me iterate through each client than to repeat this code?
client1 = Client.from_input()
print(client1.name, 'Maximum pension contribution you can make this tax year: ', client1.get_maximum_contribution())
print(client1.name, 'Maximum pension contribution your employer can make this year: ', client1.get_carryforward() + client1.get_remaining_aa())
print(client1.name, 'Remaining annual allowance: ', client1.get_remaining_aa())
print(client1.name, 'Carryforward available: ', client1.get_carryforward())
client2 = Client.from_input()
print(client2.name, 'Maximum pension contribution you can make this tax year: ', client2.get_maximum_contribution())
print(client2.name, 'Maximum pension contribution your employer can make this year: ', client2.get_carryforward() + client1.get_remaining_aa())
print(client2.name, 'Remaining annual allowance: ', client2.get_remaining_aa())
print(client2.name, 'Carryforward available: ', client2.get_carryforward())
If anybody wants the full code or if it's relevant:
```# import datetime
# currentyear = datetime.date.today().year
# year3 = (datetime.date.today().year - 3)
# year2 = datetime.date.today().year - 2
# year1 = datetime.date.today().year - 1
aathreshold = 240000
aallowance = 40000
maxaareduction = 36000
class Client:
def __init__(self, name, salary, bonus, intdiv, employeepercent, employerpercent, pensionlump, salaryexchange,
deathbenefits, year3contribution, year2contribution, year1contribution):
self.name = name
self.salary = salary
self.bonus = bonus
self.intdiv = intdiv
self.employeecontribution = salary * (employeepercent / 100)
self.employercontribution = salary * (employerpercent / 100)
self.pensionlump = pensionlump
self.salaryexchange = salaryexchange
self.deathbenefits = deathbenefits
self.totalgross = salary + bonus + intdiv
self.totalannualpensioncontributions = self.employeecontribution + self.employercontribution + self.pensionlump
self.year3contribution = year3contribution
self.year2contribution = year2contribution
self.year1contribution = year1contribution
def from_input(cls):
return cls(input('Name: '),
int(input('Salary + Bonus: ')),
int(input('Bonus & Comission: ')),
int(input('Interest & Dividends: ')),
int(input('Employee gross workplace contribution % : ')),
int(input('Employer gross workplace contribution % :')),
int(input('Lump sum contributions: ')),
int(input('Employment income given through salary exchange')),
int(input('Taxed lump sum death benefits: ')),
int(input('Please enter your pension contributions for 2018: ')),
int(input('Please enter your pension contributions for 2019: ')),
int(input('Please enter your pension contributions for 2020: '))
def get_carryforward(self):
def cap_carryforward(contribution):
if contribution > aallowance:
contribution = aallowance
remaining_allowance = aallowance - contribution
return remaining_allowance
remaining_allowance = aallowance - contribution
return remaining_allowance
year3remallowance = cap_carryforward(self.year3contribution)
year2remallowance = cap_carryforward(self.year2contribution)
year1remallowance = cap_carryforward(self.year1contribution)
cf_allowance = year3remallowance + year2remallowance + year1remallowance
return cf_allowance
def get_threshold(self):
threshinc = self.totalgross - self.pensionlump - self.employeecontribution\
+ self.salaryexchange - self.deathbenefits
return threshinc
def get_adjustedincome(self):
adjustedinc = self.totalgross + self.employercontribution - self.deathbenefits
return adjustedinc
def get_remaining_aa(self):
taperexcess = 0
if Client.get_adjustedincome(self) > aathreshold:
taperexcess = (Client.get_adjustedincome(self) - aathreshold) / 2
if taperexcess > maxaareduction:
taperexcess = maxaareduction
annualallowance = aallowance - taperexcess
remaining_aa = annualallowance - self.totalannualpensioncontributions
if remaining_aa <= 0:
remaining_aa = 0
return remaining_aa
def get_maximum_contribution(self):
combinedallowance = (Client.get_remaining_aa(self) + Client.get_carryforward(self))
if (self.salary - combinedallowance) <= 0:
maxcontribution = self.salary
return maxcontribution
elif (self.salary - combinedallowance) > 0:
maxcontribution = combinedallowance
return maxcontribution
client1 = Client.from_input()
print(client1.name, 'Maximum pension contribution you can make this tax year: ', client1.get_maximum_contribution())
print(client1.name, 'Maximum pension contribution your employer can make this year: ', client1.get_carryforward() + client1.get_remaining_aa())
print(client1.name, 'Remaining annual allowance: ', client1.get_remaining_aa())
print(client1.name, 'Carryforward available: ', client1.get_carryforward())
client2 = Client.from_input()
print(client2.name, 'Maximum pension contribution you can make this tax year: ', client2.get_maximum_contribution())
print(client2.name, 'Maximum pension contribution your employer can make this year: ', client2.get_carryforward() + client1.get_remaining_aa())
print(client2.name, 'Remaining annual allowance: ', client2.get_remaining_aa())
print(client2.name, 'Carryforward available: ', client2.get_carryforward())
Yes, you can add a __str__
method to your Client
-class to define how the string-representation of your objects should look like. E.g.:
import os
class Client:
def __str__(self):
line1 = f"{self.name} Maximum pension contribution you can make this tax year: {self.get_maximum_contribution()}"
line2 = f"{self.name} Maximum pension contribution your employer can make this year: {self.get_carryforward() + self.get_remaining_aa()}"
line3 = f"{self.name} Remaining annual allowance: {self.get_remaining_aa()}"
line4 = f"{self.name} Carryforward available: {self.get_carryforward()}"
return os.linesep.join([line1,line2,line3,line4])
If you do that you can just do print(client1)
in your code.
Alternatively, you can just name this method getstring
and do it like this print(client1.getstring())
If you want to iterate though your clients you can do it like this:
client_list = [Client.from_input() for _ in range(num_clients)]
for client in client_list:
To create a list of num_clients
with your from_input
method and print them all out.