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My Laravel Code running slow because foreach, should i change my query to chunk? and how to optimize it?

The concept is simple that i want to sum some value that name total_hs from table analysis with same workingname. This code running so slow because of foreach if has alot of data.

public function totalHSBySameName()

        $result = Analysis::selectRaw('workingname')->get();

        $name = [];
        $total = [];
        foreach ($result as $i) {
            if (!in_array($i->workingname, $name)) {
                $name[] = $i->workingname;
        foreach ($name as $i) {
            $temp = 0;
            $x = Analysis::selectRaw('workingname,total_hs')
            ->where('workingname', $i)
            foreach ($x as $j) {
                $temp += $j->total_hs;
            $total[] = ["name" => $i, 'total_hs' => $temp];
        return $total;

and for model like this

namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Analysis extends Model
    use HasFactory;

    protected $analysis;
    public $table = 'analysis';
    const CREATED_AT = 'created_at';
    const UPDATED_AT = 'updated_at';
    protected $fillable = [


  • You want to return total value for every workingname, If I understand. You can replace your function with the new one that I mention, It's might be helpful:

    public function totalHSBySameName() {
            $result = Analysis::groupBy('workingname')
                ->selectRaw('sum(total_hs) as sum, workingname')
            return $result;