I want to detect when an object goes outside of the screen in Flame Flutter. I think there is two way to accomplish this either with Collidable
mixin or with Forge2D. If possible explain it in both of them.
Flame version: flame: 1.0.0-releasecandidate.18
It is way overkill to use Forge2D
for this (that complicates a lot of other things too). But you can use the built-in collision detection system, or you can check in the update-loop whether it is within the screen or not (this would be the most efficient).
By using the collision detection system we can use the built-in ScreenCollidable
and you can do something like this:
class ExampleGame extends FlameGame with HasCollidables {
Future<void> onLoad() async {
await super.onLoad();
class YourComponent extends PositionComponent with HasHitboxes, Collidable {
Future<void> onLoad() async {
await super.onLoad();
// Change this if you want the components to collide with each other
// and not only the screen.
collidableType = CollidableType.passive;
// Do note that this doesn't work if the component starts
// to go outside of the screen but then comes back.
void onCollisionEnd(Collidable other) {
if (other is ScreenCollidable) {
and by just calculating it in the update
class YourComponent extends PositionComponent with HasGameRef {
void update(double dt) {
final topLeft = absoluteTopLeftPosition;
final gameSize = gameRef.size;
if(topLeft.x > gameSize.x || topLeft.y > gameSize.y) {
final bottomRight = absolutePositionOfAnchor(Anchor.bottomRight);
if(bottomRight.x < 0 || bottomRight.y < 0) {
I also recommend that you update to Flame 1.0.0 now when it is released. :)