i have a huge 2D numpy array filled with integer values. I collect them from a .tif-image via gdal.GetRasterBand(). The pixel values of the image represent unique cluster-identification numbers. So all pixels inside one cluster have the same value. In my script i want to check if the clusters have more pixels than a specific threshold. If the clustersize is bigger than the threshold I want to keep the cluster and give them a pixel value 1. If a cluster has less pixel then the threshold, all pixels of this cluster should get the value 0.
My code so far works, but is very very slow. And because i want to vary the threshold, it takes like forever. I would really appreciate your help. Thank you.
# Import GeoTIFF via GDAL and convert to NumpyArray
data = gdal.Open(image)
raster = data.GetRasterBand(1)
raster = raster.ReadAsArray()
# Different thresholds for iteration
thresh = [0,10,25,50,100,1000,2000]
for threshold in thresh:
clusteredRaster = np.array(raster.copy(), dtype = int)
for clump in np.unique(clusteredRaster): # Unique ids of the clusters in image
if clusteredRaster[np.where(clusteredRaster == clump)].size >= threshold:
clusteredRaster[np.where(clusteredRaster == clump)] = int(1)
clusteredRaster[np.where(clusteredRaster == clump)] = int(0)
In the image you can see the cluster image. Each color stands vor a specific clusternumber. I want to delete the small ones (under a specific size) and just keep the big ones.
[1]: https://i.sstatic.net/miEKg.png
I got a easy solution based on your helpful answers! The idea is to find the unique values and cluster sizes per threshold and instant fill in correct values, thus avoid a loop. It reduces the iteration time from initially 142 seconds per iteration to 0.52 seconds and reproduces the same results.
data = gdal.Open(image)
raster = data.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()
thresh = [0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 1000, 2000]
for threshold in thresh:
# Create new 0-raster with same dimensions as input raster
clusteredRaster = np.zeros(raster.shape, dtype = uint8)
# Get unique cluster IDs and count the size of the occurence
clumps, counts = np.unique(raster, return_counts=True)
# Get only the clumps which are bigger than the threshold
biggerClumps = clumps[counts >= threshold]
# fill in ones for the relevant cluster IDs
clusteredRaster[np.isin(raster,biggerClumps)] = 1