I'm using purrr to run a series of single linear regressions across multiple columns of a grouped dataset, but am having trouble excluding groups of variables that have no data without deleting the entire group.
Thanks to andrew_reece here, I got the base code working as:
ivs <- colnames(mtcars)[3:ncol(mtcars)]
names(ivs) <- ivs
mtcars %>%
group_by(cyl) %>%
group_modify(function(data, key) {
map_df(ivs, function(iv) {
frml <- as.formula(paste("mpg", "~", iv))
lm(frml, data = data) %>% broom::glance()
}, .id = "iv")
}) %>%
select(cyl, iv, r.squared, p.value)
which gives a tibble in this format:
cyl iv r.squared p.value
4 disp 0.6484051396 0.002782827
4 hp 0.2740558319 0.098398581
4 drat 0.180 0.193
4 wt 0.509 0.0137
4 qsec 0.0557 0.485
4 vs 0.00238 0.887
6 disp 0.0106260401 0.825929685
Unfortunately, my real dataset is messy and contains multiple group-variable combinations with only NAs, or with less than two real values, which lm can't handle. To show this, here is mtcars with some data in 'disp' replaced with NA. Run through the above code, mtna throws a NA-error.
#create mtcars dataset that will have a cyl group with entirely NA disp
mtna <- mtcars
mtna$disp[mtna$disp < 147] <- NA
test <- mtna %>% group_by(cyl) %>% summarize(mean = mean(disp))
I tried to deal with this by making the lm conditional, and first using sum(!is.na) to check if there are enough real values to run lm. This allows the lm to run successfully.
mtna %>%
group_by(cyl) %>%
group_modify(function(data, key) {
map_df(ivs, function(iv) {
tmpvar <- eval(parse(text = paste0("data$", iv)))
if(sum(!is.na(tmpvar)) < 3) {return(NA)} else {
frml <- as.formula(paste("mpg", "~", iv))
lm(frml, data = data) %>% broom::glance()
}}, .id = "iv")
}) %>%
select(cyl, iv, r.squared, p.value)
#which gives:
cyl iv r.squared p.value
1 4 NA NA NA
2 6 disp 0.0115 0.840
3 6 hp 0.0161 0.786
4 6 drat 0.0132 0.807
However, when you look at the results, you can see that the NA has extended to the whole group, including variables other than disp (which is the only one that had missing values). There is now no data related to cyl = 4
at all, even in groups like hp and drat, which had no missing data.
What I was hoping for was something like:
cyl iv r.squared p.value
4 disp NA NA
4 hp 0.2740558319 0.098398581 # Currently missing
4 drat 0.1799791311 0.193450651 # Currently missing
4 wt 0.5086325963 0.013742782. # Currently missing
6 disp 0.0106260401 0.825929685
6 hp 0.0161462379 0.78602021
I suspect this has something to do with the data format - I guess I'm mapping NA across all the results for that group, instead of just that one variable. But I have no idea how to address this. Any help is greatly appreciated!
I think you are almost there. Take a look at the code below. Changes are commented.
ivs <- colnames(mtcars)[3:ncol(mtcars)]
names(ivs) <- ivs
mtna <- mtcars
mtna$disp[mtna$disp < 147] <- NA
mtna %>%
group_by(cyl) %>%
group_modify(function(data, key) {
map_df(ivs, function(iv) {
tmpvar<-eval(parse(text = paste0("data$", iv)))
if(!is.na(sum(tmpvar))) { #only use complete data
frml <- as.formula(paste("mpg", "~", iv))
lm(frml, data = data) %>% broom::glance()
}}, .id = "iv")
}) %>%
select(cyl, iv, r.squared, p.value) %>%
by=c("cyl","iv")) %>% #populating with NA for columns lost before
arrange(., cyl, iv) %>% #sort by cyl and iv
#which gives:
cyl iv r.squared p.value
1 4 am 0.2872892493 0.08921640
2 4 carb 0.0378466325 0.56650426
3 4 disp NA NA
4 4 drat 0.1799791311 0.19345065
5 4 gear 0.1146552225 0.30840242
6 4 hp 0.2740558319 0.09839858
7 4 qsec 0.0556742395 0.48487154
8 4 vs 0.0023819528 0.88668635
9 4 wt 0.5086325963 0.01374278
10 6 am 0.2810551424 0.22094408
11 6 carb 0.0000661434 0.98619369
12 6 disp NA NA
13 6 drat 0.0131597553 0.80653099
14 6 gear 0.0000901510 0.98388187
15 6 hp 0.0161462379 0.78602021
16 6 qsec 0.1753245893 0.34980138
17 6 vs 0.2810551424 0.22094408
18 6 wt 0.4645101506 0.09175766
19 8 am 0.0024647887 0.86615546
20 8 carb 0.1550637156 0.16359436
21 8 disp 0.2701577717 0.05677488
22 8 drat 0.0022975223 0.87074078
23 8 gear 0.0024647887 0.86615546
24 8 hp 0.0804491933 0.32575378
25 8 qsec 0.0108860059 0.72261712
26 8 vs 0.0000000000 NA
27 8 wt 0.4229655365 0.01179281