Search code examples

Rowsums in R by unique values in multiple columns

Suppose I have a table with chess players pairs (just an imaginary example). The table shows who played white, black and the number of games between the players.

| White| Black| Games|              
|:---- |:------:| -----:|               
| Anand| Caruana| 13 |         
| Carlsen| Naka| 12 |             
| Caruana| Giri| 14 |          
| Giri| Anand| 10 |           
| Grischuk| Carlsen| 7|    

What I want is the total number of games (Black+White) per player, i.e. all the games he played against any other grandmaster.

| Player | Games_total|           
|:---- |:------:|            
| Anand| 33|      
| Caruana| 27|            
| Carlsen| 21|         
| Naka| 12|           
| Giri| 34| 
| Grischuk| 9| 


  • You may get the data in long format and then sum the Games for each Player.

    df %>%
      pivot_longer(cols = c(White, Black), values_to = 'Player') %>%
      group_by(Player) %>%
      summarise(Games_total = sum(Games))
    # Player   Games_total
    #  <chr>          <int>
    #1 Anand             23
    #2 Carlsen           19
    #3 Caruana           27
    #4 Giri              24
    #5 Grischuk           7
    #6 Naka              12


    df <- structure(list(White = c("Anand", "Carlsen", "Caruana", "Giri", 
    "Grischuk"), Black = c("Caruana", "Naka", "Giri", "Anand", "Carlsen"
    ), Games = c(13L, 12L, 14L, 10L, 7L)), row.names = c(NA, -5L), class = "data.frame")