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Infer Type of a Generic subclass as having itself as Type

I am working on making stubs for an external ORM library, I have encountered an issue that I am not sure how to overcome though. So the example bellow technically passes the mypy check, but only after expecting the library user to tediously repeat themselves during class declaration.

# Library stubs:
from typing import Generic, TypeVar, Type, Any, Optional
from import Collection, Sequence
from abc import ABC

T = TypeVar('T', bound='BaseItem')
K = TypeVar('K')

class ItemSet(Generic[K]):
    def get_or_none(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[K]: ...
    def first(self) -> K: ...
    def all(self) -> Collection[K]: ...
    def order_by(self, *args: Any) -> Sequence[K]: ...

class BaseItem(ABC, Generic[T]):
    def set(cls: Type[T]) -> ItemSet[T]: ...

# User's model:
from library import BaseItem

class FooItem(BaseItem['FooItem']):
    name: str

class BarItem(BaseItem['BarItem']):
    size: float

class BazItem(BaseItem['BazItem']):
    id_: int


This generates this output: note: Revealed type is "__main__.ItemSet[__main__.FooItem*]" note: Revealed type is "typing.Collection[__main__.FooItem*]"

Which is exactly what you would expect, however this only works because the user had to pass the class name as a type on every class definition. The omission of type leads to it having the Any type

class FooItem(BaseItem):
    name: str note: Revealed type is "__main__.ItemSet[Any]" note: Revealed type is "typing.Collection[Any]"

So my question is how to make so this type inference is invisible to the user?


  • It's because you made it a generic class, it shouldn't be generic class, it is a generic function, essentially. Just use the following:

    from typing import Generic, TypeVar, Type, Any, Optional
    from import Collection, Sequence
    from abc import ABC
    T = TypeVar('T', bound='BaseItem')
    K = TypeVar('K')
    class ItemSet(Generic[K]):
        def get_or_none(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[K]: ...
        def first(self) -> K: ...
        def all(self) -> Collection[K]: ...
        def order_by(self, *args: Any) -> Sequence[K]: ...
    class BaseItem(ABC):
        def set(cls: Type[T]) -> ItemSet[T]: ...
    class FooItem(BaseItem):
        name: str
    class BarItem(BaseItem):
        size: float
    class BazItem(BaseItem):
        id_: int

    Here's what MyPy thinks (note, I put everything in one module named for brevity):

    (py39) Juans-MacBook-Pro:~ juan$ mypy note: Revealed type is "test.ItemSet[test.FooItem*]" note: Revealed type is "typing.Collection[test.FooItem*]"

    Note, this specific situation is addressed here in the PEP-484 spec

    Note, there is a PEP to remove the TypeVar boilerplate: