Search code examples

Using Laravel's foreignIdFor method and create a composite unique key

Following the syntax below, I can easily create a composite unique key based on the fields name and bakery_id:

Schema::create('product_categories', function (Blueprint $table) {
    $table->string('name', 30);

    $table->unique(['bakery_id', 'name']);

When I use the "foreignIdFor()" method instead of "foreignId()", is there a way to programmatically determine the name of the column?

Schema::create('product_categories', function (Blueprint $table) {
    $table->string('name', 30);

    $table->unique(['???', 'name']);


  • Just need to capture the column definition and use that:

    Schema::create('product_categories', function (Blueprint $table) {
        $colDef = $table->foreignIdFor(Bakery::class)->constrained();
        $table->string('name', 30);
        $table->unique([$colDef->name, 'name']);