I do understand how the routing of Wagtail works when a HTTP request arrives.
matching viahostname
- find the specific
settings on Wagtail CMS GUIserve()
of that specific page will be called
However, above routing mechanism does not touch the class
in models.py
yet. If I have below settings in models.py
of django which is integrated with Wagtail,
class BlogList(RoutablePageMixin, Page):
template = "Post_List.html"
intro = RichTextField(blank=True)
content_panels = Page.content_panels + [
subpage_types = [
parent_page_type = [
How do I know this class BlogList
is linked to which page
on Wagtail CMS GUI ?
is a subclass of Page
, meaning that it extends the Page class, with your extra database fields (intro
in this case).
In the CMS, there is a "Type" column on the page listings (at a URL like /admin/pages/1/
), which will show you the most-specific class of each page - Unless you specify a name for a page type with Meta.verbose_name
, it will automatically convert the class name into a sentence - "Blog list" for your example.