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openapi-generator asciidoc limits parameter columns, omits type

Is there a way to specify which columns appear in the Parameters section? For example I would like to use Schema/type instead of Pattern.

My configuration:


Here's the relevant source snippet:

      - Api Operations
      summary: Get a widget
      description: Get a widget by its resource id
      operationId: findOne
      - name: resourceId
        in: path
        required: true
          type: string
      - name: affiliateId
        in: header
        required: false
          type: integer
          format: int64
          default: 256

And the relevant output snippet:

====== Header Parameters

|Name| Description| Required| Default| Pattern

| affiliateId
| -
| 256


Instead of the "Pattern" column I would like it show something like Schema along with the value of integer and/or int64.


  • I resolved the issue by editing the mustache templates:

    After cloning the openapi-generator project, I found and copied the following two files from src/main/resources/asciidoc-documentation under modules (link): params.mustache and param.mustache, to my own project under /src/main/resources/openapi.

    Then I opened params.mustache and did a find-and-replace from "Pattern" to "Data Type".

    Similarly in param.mustache I replaced "{{{pattern}}}" with "{{dataType}}"

    Then in the maven pom file plugin config for openapi-generator-maven-plugin I added the following element under the configuration element:


    Running mvn clean compile resulted in the desired output:

    |Name| Description| Required| Default| Data Type
    | affiliateId
    | -
    | 256
    | Long

    Note: To arrive at the right model field name, I enabled debug under the configuration element: <verbose>true</verbose> then issued the command (something like): mvn org.openapitools:openapi-generator-maven-plugin:5.3.0:generate@my-execution-id -pl mysubmodule -X -l out.txt; open out.txt and search for "headerParams" or "affiliateId" and find the field name corresponding to data type, in my case there were "dataType" and "dataFormat" of which I chose the former.

    Also note that I did not need to copy index.mustache or model.mustache etc. to my project, only the two template files mentioned above.