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What are the macros #[pallet::genesis_config] and #[pallet::genesis_build] doing on the sudo pallet?

    pub struct GenesisConfig<T: Config> {
        /// The `AccountId` of the sudo key.
        pub key: T::AccountId,

    #[cfg(feature = "std")]
    impl<T: Config> Default for GenesisConfig<T> {
        fn default() -> Self {
            Self { key: Default::default() }

    impl<T: Config> GenesisBuild<T> for GenesisConfig<T> {
        fn build(&self) {

What is happening here with genesis_config and genesis_build macros here? Some reading seemed to suggest that implement the trait GenesisBuild<T,I = ()> but I am confused as the docs read: "T and I are placeholder for pallet trait and pallet instance."

What are pallet instances? I also assume pallet trait means the Config trait for the sudo pallet. Is it some how related to configuring a unique StorageValue for the Genesis block so that each instance of a running node can verify that the same Account is Root? Can someone help break it down for me.


  • #[pallet::genesis_build] implements the trait sp_runtime::BuildModuleGenesisStorage which puts the initial state into the pallet's storage at genesis time.
    (The pallet can put state into child storage also at that point.)

    The pub enum/struct with #[pallet::genesis_config] holds the fields that genesis_build reads in order to set up the storage. For example there may be investors at genesis that need a vesting schedule set up (See the vesting pallet: ). So for the sudo pallet, the genesis_config struct holds the root key which is set here:

    GenesisConfig {
            sudo: SudoConfig {
                // Assign network admin rights.
                key: root_key,

    ( )

    Docs for genesis_config are here: