On Dec 10, a severe vulnerability was found in log4j2
(CVE-2021-44228), I was asked to detect all the log4j
usages (both direct and transitive) in our projects(mostly maven projects). I found it is easy to detect if log4j2
was listed as direct dependencies. I can inspect them through mvn dependency:tree
or mvn dependency:build-classpath
. Like the tree shown below. I know this is also the method Eclipse Steady and OWASP are using.
\- org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api:jar:2.13.3:compile
However, in some special cases, things are not that easy. For example, I have another project like this:
\- com.alibaba:druid:jar:1.2.8:compile
This looks pretty clean, right? But actually, log4j2
is listed as a "provided" dependency in druid 1.2.8
. Check pom here. According to maven document, "provided" scope is not transitive, thus log4j
is not listed in the tree.
But actually, it is there. I can find the function call of log4j inside this druid:1.2.8
check here: log4j2 in druid
I also use soot
to make sure this function is actually reachable.
According to this page, any string like ${jndi:ldap://example.com/a}
can cause such a problem. So theoretically, druid:1.2.8
is infected.
the Actuall tree maybe like this
\- com.alibaba:druid:jar:1.2.8:compile
Lets define the relationship between log4j
and my-app2
as transitive "provided" dependency
Here is my question:
Why doesn't maven list the transitive provided dependencies in the tree? Just for a better understanding of the dependency relationship.
Without checking poms one by one manually, how could we resolve the transitive provided dependency?
Class and method resolution in java happens during runtime, the first time the class or method is referenced. If the code you linked is run without Logger
or LogManager
on the classpath this would result in an error being thrown. If it is not actually used, for example if it has to be manually configured somehow, then this is totally fine.
Note also that both Logger
and LogManager
are part of the log4j-api dependency, while the code affected by the vulnerability is in log4j-core. A dependency on log4j-api should be totally fine and there are projects like log4j-to-slf4j that implement this api and delegate actual logging to a different implementation.