I'm trying to fill a combobox with textblock containing values from a table.
I would like to create as many textblocks as there is rows in the set of datarows returned by the select.
Then add those textblock to the combobox.
Can someone tell how this can be done, please?
Here is my code:
// instead of doing this I'd rather create them as needed.
TextBlock tbx1 = new TextBlock();
TextBlock tbx2 = new TextBlock();
TextBlock tbx3 = new TextBlock();
// Get all category 1
DataRow[] cutProblemsRow = gediDataSet.CutProblems.Select("CutProbCategId= " + 1);
// If there is any records
if (cutProblemsRow.Length > 0)
// create as many texblock as there are rows here
// cycle between rows
for (int i = 0; i < cutProblemsRow.Count(); i++)
// Assign value to textblock
TextBlock.Text = cutProblemsRow[i]["Problem"].ToString();
// Add the texblock created to the ComboBox
As Clemens and zaggler suggested the best way is this:
private void AddProblemCategtoCombobox(int categ)
// clear list
cmbxProblem.ItemsSource = null;
// get list
cmbxProblem.ItemsSource = gediDataSet.CutProblems.Select("CutProbCategId= " + categ).Select(dr => dr["Problem"].ToString()).ToList();