I need to organize the ouput as a button in a telegram bot. I create, for example, a dictionary and I need to infer the key and the object from it, to form it as string and place it in a button that will go through the for loop. But instead of the correct result I see only this error: TypeError: getattr(): attribute name must be string. Here's my code:
def choose_language(update, conext):
chat = update.effective_chat
land = {
b = []
for k,v in land.items():
a = k, v
flatten = [str(item) for sub in b for item in sub]
for key in flatten:
button = [InlineKeyboardButton(f"{key}", callback_data='{key}')]
#for key in land:
#button = InlineKeyboardButton(str(land[key]).capitalize(), callback_data=str(key))
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(button)
update.message.reply_text('Choose target language:', reply_markup=reply_markup)
So I've done it. The problem was that I made the button as a list when it raises an AttributeError: the list object has no to_dict attribute
. Then I ditched the dict.attributes and decided to short the flatten
to get only string objects.
d = {
button_demo = []
b = []
bb = []
for k, v in d.items():
a = k
s = v
flatten = [str(sub) for sub in b]
flatten1 = [str(sub) for sub in bb]
for ix in range(len(flatten)):
button = [InlineKeyboardButton(f"{flatten[ix]}", callback_data=f'{flatten1[ix]}')]
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(button_demo)
update.message.reply_text('Choose target language:', reply_markup=reply_markup)