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How to pass data to livewire modal component?

I have category component with add button as below.

<button wire:click.prevent="addNew" class="btn btn-primary mb-2">Add</button>
<x-mymodal-component :iscreate="$iscreate"/>

with 'addNew' method, I dispatch event to javascript listener.

public function addNew(){

In the listener event, I try to show modal that made as component.

  window.addEventListener('show-category-modal', event => {

Below is modal component with data that need to pass into.

<x-mymodal-component :iscreate="$iscreate"/>

Any advice or guidance on this would be greatly appreciated, Thanks.


  • @livewire('mymodal-component', ['iscreate'=>$iscreate])
     public function mount($iscreate)