I have the following function:
def myfn():
big_obj = BigObj()
result = consume(big_obj)
return result
When is the reference count for the value of BigObj() increased / decreased: Is it:
is called (since big_obj is not referenced afterwards in myfn)Would it make a difference to change the last line to:
return consume(big_obj)
Edit (clarification for comments):
But what is with temporaries (e.g f1(f2())?
I checked references to temporaries with this code:
import sys
def f2(c):
print("f2: References to c", sys.getrefcount(c))
def f0():
def f1():
c = object()
print("f1: References to c", sys.getrefcount(c))
This prints:
f2: References to c 3
f1: References to c 2
f2: References to c 4
It seems, that references to temporary variables are held. Not that getrefcount gives one more than you would expect because it holds a reference, too.
Disclaimer: Most information is from the comments. So credit for every one who participated in the discussion.
When an object is deleted is an implementation detail in general. I will refer to CPython, which is based on reference counting. I ran the code examples with CPython 3.10.0.
The last point is even valid for temporary references like f(g())
. The last reference to g() is deleted, when f returns (assuming that g does not save a reference somewhere)see here
So for the example from the question:
def myfn():
big_obj = BigObj() # reference 1
result = consume(big_obj) # reference 2 on the stack frame for
# consume. Not yet counting any
# reference inside of consume
# after consume returns: The stack frame
# and reference 2 are deleted. Reference
# 1 remains
return result # myfn returns reference 1 is deleted.
# BigObj is deleted
def consume(big_obj):
pass # consume is holding reference 3
If we would change this to:
def myfn():
return consume(BigObj()) # reference is still saved on the stack
# frame and will be only deleted after
# consume returns
def consume(big_obj):
pass # consume is holding reference 2
How can I check reliably, if an object was deleted?
You cannot rely on gc.get_objects(). gc is used to detect and recycle reference cycles. Not every reference is tracked by the gc. You can create a weak reference and check if the reference is still valid.
class BigObj:
import weakref
ref = None
def make_ref(obj):
global ref
ref = weakref.ref(obj)
return obj
def myfn():
return consume(make_ref(BigObj()))
def consume(obj):
obj = None # remove to see impact on ref count
print(ref()) # There is still a valid reference. It is the one from consume stack frame
How to pass a reference to a function and remove all references in the calling function?
You can box the reference, pass to the function and clear the boxed reference from inside the function:
class Ref:
def __init__(ref):
self.ref = ref
def clear():
self.ref = None
def f1(ref):
r = ref.ref
def f2():