Hello i was wondering if someone could explain what the ^= operator is doing in this c program? The program is being written for an arm architecture.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <pru_cfg.h>
volatile register uint32_t __R30;
volatile register uint32_t __R31;
void main() {
volatile uint32_t gpo;
/* Clear GPO pins */
gpo = (__R30 & 0xFFFF0000);
__R30 = gpo;
while(1) {
gpo = __R30;
gpo ^= 0xF;
__R30 = gpo;
__delay_cycles(100000000); // half-second delay
If you require any other info, let me know, Thank you
In C, ^
is the bitwise exclusive or, and
gpo ^= 0xF;
is equivalent to
gpo = gpo ^ 0xF;
See https://en.cppreference.com/w/c/language/operator_assignment#Compound_assignment for more details about it.