You are given a DNA sequence: a string consisting of characters A, C, G, and T. Your task is to find the longest repetition in the sequence. This is a maximum-length substring containing only one type of character.
I am trying to solve this problem with Map() in javascript.
My solution:
let n='ATTCGGGA';
var reptition = function(n) {
let strToArr=n.split('');
for(let i=0; i<strToArr.length; i++)
let map=new Map();
const iterator1 = map.values();
for (const [key, value] of map.entries()) {
console.log(key + ' : ' + value)
I am trying to run a loop through all characters in a sequence and then set in Map() as a key which is characters and 1 as value to all characters. If the same character repeats then its value will be incremented by 1 and lastly, the longest repetition will be returned.
But I can't figure out how can I do this?
Here is a corrected impementation:
let n = 'ATTCGGGA';
var reptition = function (n) {
let strToArr = n.split('');
let map = new Map();
let currentLetter = null;
let currentCount = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < strToArr.length; i++) {
if (currentLetter === strToArr[i]) {
} else {
currentCount = 1;
currentLetter = strToArr[i];
const previousCount = map.get(currentLetter) ?? 0;
if (currentCount > previousCount) map.set(currentLetter, currentCount);
return Array.from(map.entries()).sort((prev, next) => next[1] - prev[1])[0];
You are re-declaring the new Map()
on every iteration of your loop. Also you can solve this with a single iteration - not sure what the nested iterations were about.
You can of course make the above implementation more performant, e.g. by removing the utility variables currentLetter
and currentCount
. Just play around a bit!