Are there any alternatives for time.sleep
on python where I can run a function while timeouts?
Because I have these codes:
pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen('back.PNG'), 320)
What it does is that it runs the pyautogui
after 10 seconds.
What I want is to run the pyautogui
at the start and have trials for 10 seconds. If the image is not located within 10 seconds, then it will return error.
something like this?
for _ in range(10):
pos = pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen('back.PNG')
if pos: break
if not pos: raise Exception('Where is this image?!')*pos)
Note: it may take more time than 10 seconds, you could play with times instead
A bit better if locateCenterOnScreen takes a while
from datetime import datetime
start =
pos = None
while ( - start).total_seconds() < 10 and not pos:
pos = pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen('back.PNG')
if not pos: raise Exception('Where is the image!!??')*pos)
Or wrapped in a function
def retry(action, max_secs=10):
from datetime import datetime
start =
res = None
while ( - start).total_seconds() < max_secs:
res = action()
if res: return res
raise Exception('Timeout!')
pos = retry(lambda: pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen('back.PNG'))*pos)
Even "better" raising the exception outside of the function:
def retry(action, max_secs=10):
from datetime import datetime
start =
res = None
while ( - start).total_seconds() < max_secs:
res = action()
if res: break
return res
pos = retry(lambda: pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen('back.PNG'))
if not pos: raise Exception('Where is this image??!!')*pos)