I am experimenting with the musicbrainz api using NodeJs. I want to get the track info of a specific track. I can do it with ISRC but if I try to search it with artist and title name, i get the wrong results.
For Example: Artist = Aphrodite's Child, Title = It's five o'clock
This doesn't return the right results although I know that this song is in the database.
(a single ampersand) does not combine multiple search criteria like you'd expect. The Lucene search syntax description, which the MusicBrainz search docs link to, say:
The AND operator matches documents where both terms exist anywhere in the text of a single document. This is equivalent to an intersection using sets. The symbol && can be used in place of the word AND.
Either https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/recording/?query=recording:It%27s%20five%20o%27clock%20%26%26%20artist:Aphrodite%27s%20Child&fmt=json&inc= (two ampersands, escaped as %26
) or https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/recording/?query=recording:It%27s%20five%20o%27clock%20and%20artist:Aphrodite%27s%20Child&fmt=json&inc= (the keyword and
) work.
Another note: searches via the MusicBrainz API do not support the inc
parameter, include lookups and browse requests do.