This question is on turning the copy pasted columns from Excel into a SQL statement. My current process includes manually replacing things. After using some notepad++ functionality to control h to remove and replace all occurrences of something, and I love that notepad++ offers additional functionality. I’m just not sure how to use this functionality to get a lot closer to the end product. I feel like I can’t operate the gas and brakes normally when I have to do this, and it would be really nice to automate. Maybe I just feel that way because I know it’s probably easy, or at least it bugs me so much I think that.
Copy/paste from excel into (it looks like this is notepad++):
Code" "Random
Code" "Random
Code" "Random
Code" "Random
Code" "Random
First, I highlight everything and replace “ (double quote) with an acute, leftquote, backtick, whatever, this symbol `
Second, I replace the blank spaces with \r\n
This gives me every word on a new line, with each surrounded by the back tick.
As you may have guessed, here is where I manually clean the rest
create table table_for_upload (
`Random Code`: varchar(25) null,
`Random Code`: varchar(25) null,
`Random Code`: varchar(25) null,
`Random Code`: varchar(25) null,
`Random Code`: varchar(25) null);
What are the unanimous next steps to get the data looking more like a SQL statement. Using notepad++ control h functionality? Or vim? Won't add the tag for vim.
Most parts can be done with a regular expression search and replace:
'\1 \3': varchar(25) null,\2
Lets examine that [[:space:]]*"([^"]+?)(\R\R?)([^"]+)"
matches the optional spaces before "Random
matches a double quote followed by everything that is not a double quote in a non greedy way and stores it in \1
takes care of the line break between Random
and Code
and stores it in \2
matches everything that is not a double quote followed by a double quote and stores it in \3
values from your actual line and mixes them with the constant varchar...