We have P2P connection between a host computer and some target, because of stability issues, the connection sometimes dead, and we need to uncheck "allow other network users to connect through this computer's internet connection" with adding "Home networking connection:" as "p2p" and also uncheck-check the "Allow other network users to control or disable the shared Internet connection" to solve the connection issue.
We don't want to try to find the root cause, we decide to build this workarround.
Here are the steps i want to build a PS script to do:
go to the properties of Ethernet adapter: Enter properties
uncheck at "Sharing" section this check-box: un-check
re-check these boxes (at the picture at step 4)
add to "Home networking connection "p2p". re-check
I tried to build a script that will do this, but, It broke my host and we had to re-build the host after trying running it, please don't run it on your computer:
echo Stability tool...
# High Privilage level script: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7690994/running-a-command-as-administrator-using-powershell
if (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator"))
$arguments = "& '" +$myinvocation.mycommand.definition + "'"
Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs -ArgumentList $arguments
$ncp = Get-NetConnectionProfile
# print the NetAdapters,
# from here: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/scripting/enabling-and-disabling-network-adapters-with-powershell/
# Enable all the NetAdapters
Get-NetAdapter | ? status -ne up | Enable-NetAdapter
# print all the NetAdapters after making the Disabled\Disconnected ones to up.
#$wmi = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapter -filter "Name LIKE '%Wireless%'"
# from: https://superuser.com/questions/470319/how-to-enable-internet-connection-sharing-using-command-line
foreach ($AdapterName in $ncp.InterfaceAlias)
# Register the HNetCfg library (once)
regsvr32 hnetcfg.dll
# Create a NetSharingManager object
$m = New-Object -ComObject HNetCfg.HNetShare
# List connections
$m.EnumEveryConnection |% { $m.NetConnectionProps.Invoke($_) }
# Find connection
$c = $m.EnumEveryConnection |? { $m.NetConnectionProps.Invoke($_).Name -eq $AdapterName }
# Get sharing configuration
$config = $m.INetSharingConfigurationForINetConnection.Invoke($c)
# See if sharing is enabled
Write-Output $config.SharingEnabled
# See the role of connection in sharing
# 0 - public, 1 - private
# Only meaningful if SharingEnabled is True
Write-Output $config.SharingType
# Disable sharing
# Enable sharing (0 - public, 1 - private)
# print all the NetAdapters after making the Disabled\Disconnected ones to up.
I prefer it on PS script but if there is another way to do tyhat automatically - i will glad to hear.
After the using the answer of NeoTheNerd, here is the code i used to build a batch file that do the refresh i ask for (one adapter of 'p2p' ends with disable sharing and the 'Ethernet' adapter finish as shard with Home networking connection to the 'p2p' adapter) - here i will give a full description to build the 4 files that together do the refresh (the copy and move of the files was essential in this project since i download them from a server, here i put them on a local location):
SET TargetDir=c:\Users\mkdahan\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Functions
set SourceDir=c:\scripts_for_power_shell\Shell_Functions
@echo ******************* all variables were sets **********************
robocopy %SourceDir% %TargetDir% *.* /MIR /IS /R:10 /W:10
rem Step 3:
move %TargetDir%\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 C:\Users\mkdahan\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
powershell -Command "Get-MrInternetConnectionSharing P2P"
powershell -Command "Set-MrInternetConnectionSharing -InternetInterfaceName P2P -Enabled $true"
powershell -Command "Set-MrInternetConnectionSharing -InternetInterfaceName P2P -Enabled $false"
powershell -Command "Get-MrInternetConnectionSharing P2P"
echo %time%
timeout 5 > NUL
echo %time%
powershell -Command "if (!(Test-Path (Split-Path $profile))) { mkdir (Split-Path $profile) } ; if (!(Test-Path $profile)) { New-Item $profile -ItemType file }"
powershell -Command "Get-MrInternetConnectionSharing Ethernet, 'p2p'"
powershell -Command "Set-MrInternetConnectionSharing -InternetInterfaceName Ethernet -LocalInterfaceName 'P2P' -Enabled $false"
powershell -Command "Set-MrInternetConnectionSharing -InternetInterfaceName Ethernet -LocalInterfaceName 'P2P' -Enabled $true"
powershell -Command "Get-MrInternetConnectionSharing Ethernet, 'P2P'"
where at the folder: c:\scripts_for_power_shell\Shell_Functions
there are three files with this content: Get-MrInternetConnectionSharing,ps1:
function Get-MrInternetConnectionSharing {
Retrieves the status of Internet connection sharing for the specified network adapter(s).
Get-MrInternetConnectionSharing is an advanced function that retrieves the status of Internet connection sharing
for the specified network adapter(s).
.PARAMETER InternetInterfaceName
The name of the network adapter(s) to check the Internet connection sharing status for.
Get-MrInternetConnectionSharing -InternetInterfaceName Ethernet, 'Internal Virtual Switch'
'Ethernet', 'Internal Virtual Switch' | Get-MrInternetConnectionSharing
Get-NetAdapter | Get-MrInternetConnectionSharing
Author: Mike F Robbins
Website: http://mikefrobbins.com
Twitter: @mikefrobbins
param (
regsvr32.exe /s hnetcfg.dll
$netShare = New-Object -ComObject HNetCfg.HNetShare
foreach ($Interface in $InternetInterfaceName){
$publicConnection = $netShare.EnumEveryConnection |
Where-Object {
$netShare.NetConnectionProps.Invoke($_).Name -eq $Interface
try {
$Results = $netShare.INetSharingConfigurationForINetConnection.Invoke($publicConnection)
catch {
Write-Warning -Message "An unexpected error has occurred for network adapter: '$Interface'"
Name = $Interface
SharingEnabled = $Results.SharingEnabled
SharingConnectionType = $Results.SharingConnectionType
InternetFirewallEnabled = $Results.InternetFirewallEnabled
function Set-MrInternetConnectionSharing {
Configures Internet connection sharing for the specified network adapter(s).
Set-MrInternetConnectionSharing is an advanced function that configures Internet connection sharing
for the specified network adapter(s). The specified network adapter(s) must exist and must be enabled.
To enable Internet connection sharing, Internet connection sharing cannot already be enabled on any
network adapters.
.PARAMETER InternetInterfaceName
The name of the network adapter to enable or disable Internet connection sharing for.
.PARAMETER LocalInterfaceName
The name of the network adapter to share the Internet connection with.
Boolean value to specify whether to enable or disable Internet connection sharing.
Set-MrInternetConnectionSharing -InternetInterfaceName Ethernet -LocalInterfaceName 'Internal Virtual Switch' -Enabled $true
'Ethernet' | Set-MrInternetConnectionSharing -LocalInterfaceName 'Internal Virtual Switch' -Enabled $false
Get-NetAdapter -Name Ethernet | Set-MrInternetConnectionSharing -LocalInterfaceName 'Internal Virtual Switch' -Enabled $true
Author: Mike F Robbins
Website: http://mikefrobbins.com
Twitter: @mikefrobbins
param (
If ((Get-NetAdapter -Name $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -OutVariable INetNIC) -and (($INetNIC).Status -ne 'Disabled' -or ($INetNIC).Status -ne 'Not Present')) {
else {
Throw "$_ is either not a valid network adapter of it's currently disabled."
If ((Get-NetAdapter -Name $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -OutVariable LocalNIC) -and (($LocalNIC).Status -ne 'Disabled' -or ($INetNIC).Status -ne 'Not Present')) {
else {
Throw "$_ is either not a valid network adapter of it's currently disabled."
if ((Get-NetAdapter | Get-MrInternetConnectionSharing).SharingEnabled -contains $true -and $Enabled) {
Write-Warning -Message 'Unable to continue due to Internet connection sharing already being enabled for one or more network adapters.'
regsvr32.exe /s hnetcfg.dll
$netShare = New-Object -ComObject HNetCfg.HNetShare
$publicConnection = $netShare.EnumEveryConnection |
Where-Object {
$netShare.NetConnectionProps.Invoke($_).Name -eq $InternetInterfaceName
$publicConfig = $netShare.INetSharingConfigurationForINetConnection.Invoke($publicConnection)
if ($PSBoundParameters.LocalInterfaceName) {
$privateConnection = $netShare.EnumEveryConnection |
Where-Object {
$netShare.NetConnectionProps.Invoke($_).Name -eq $LocalInterfaceName
$privateConfig = $netShare.INetSharingConfigurationForINetConnection.Invoke($privateConnection)
if ($Enabled) {
if ($PSBoundParameters.LocalInterfaceName) {
else {
if ($PSBoundParameters.LocalInterfaceName) {
# Load own custom functions at startup
$OwnFunctionsDir = "C:\Users\LAB_COREIP\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Functions"
Write-Host "Loading own PowerShell functions from:" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "$OwnFunctionsDir" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Get-ChildItem "$OwnFunctionsDir\*.ps1" | %{.$_}
Write-Host ''
So the 4 files (the batch with the three ps1 files), building a full refresh for the P2P connection, after double click on the batch file.
Thanks a lot NeoTheNerd, Kiran and Bluuf for the help.
To be constructive taking a mish mash of scripts and using them, without applying logic to each individual script is not logical.
If you look at this webpage - Configure Internet Connection Sharing with PowerShell
It steps out what you seek.
Step 1 Use the function Get-MrInternetConnectionSharing to retrieve the current settings
Step 2 Use the Get-MrInternetConnectionSharing function to specify the network adapters used in my Internet connection.
#Requires -Version 3.0
function Get-MrInternetConnectionSharing {
Retrieves the status of Internet connection sharing for the specified network adapter(s).
Get-MrInternetConnectionSharing is an advanced function that retrieves the status of Internet connection sharing
for the specified network adapter(s).
.PARAMETER InternetInterfaceName
The name of the network adapter(s) to check the Internet connection sharing status for.
Get-MrInternetConnectionSharing -InternetInterfaceName Ethernet, 'Internal Virtual Switch'
'Ethernet', 'Internal Virtual Switch' | Get-MrInternetConnectionSharing
Get-NetAdapter | Get-MrInternetConnectionSharing
Author: Mike F Robbins
Website: http://mikefrobbins.com
Twitter: @mikefrobbins
The script can be found by visiting the url
Step 3
Use the the second function, Set-MrInternetConnectionSharing configures the settings.
#Requires -Version 3.0 -Modules NetAdapter
function Set-MrInternetConnectionSharing {
Configures Internet connection sharing for the specified network adapter(s).
Set-MrInternetConnectionSharing is an advanced function that configures Internet connection sharing
for the specified network adapter(s). The specified network adapter(s) must exist and must be enabled.
To enable Internet connection sharing, Internet connection sharing cannot already be enabled on any
network adapters.
.PARAMETER InternetInterfaceName
The name of the network adapter to enable or disable Internet connection sharing for.
.PARAMETER LocalInterfaceName
The name of the network adapter to share the Internet connection with.
Boolean value to specify whether to enable or disable Internet connection sharing.
Set-MrInternetConnectionSharing -InternetInterfaceName Ethernet -LocalInterfaceName 'Internal Virtual Switch' -Enabled $true
'Ethernet' | Set-MrInternetConnectionSharing -LocalInterfaceName 'Internal Virtual Switch' -Enabled $false
Get-NetAdapter -Name Ethernet | Set-MrInternetConnectionSharing -LocalInterfaceName 'Internal Virtual Switch' -Enabled $true
Author: Mike F Robbins
Website: http://mikefrobbins.com
Twitter: @mikefrobbins
The script can be found by visiting the url