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Scalatest problem : value FunSuite is not a member of org.scalatest

I'm trying to write a test for my project in Scala 3. I added Scalatest library as :

libraryDependencies ++= Seq( 
  "org.scalatest"           %% "scalatest"                  % "3.2.9"   % Test

I know my structure is right:

enter image description here

But it gives me error:

value FunSuite is not a member of org.scalatest - did you mean scalatest.funsuite? enter image description here

However, I used the same in another project and it works fine.


  • Thanks to @Johney

    The correct usage is as below (at least in scala 3.0.2):

    import org.scalatest.funsuite.*
    class TestParser extends AnyFunSuite {

    Of course the tutorials such as Getting started with FunSuite are based using import org.scalatest.FunSuite but the right examples is here which also referred as a first mention of FunSuite in Getting started with FunSuite .