How do we add a column to the results of the query below in order to assign...
Key_Week1 to the 1st record
Key_Week2 to the 2nd record
Key_Week3 to the 3rd record
Key_Week1 to the 4th record
Key_Week2 to the 5th record
Key_Week3 to the 6th record
Key_Week1 to the 7th record
Key_Week2 to the 8th record
Key_Week3 to the 9th record
And on and on and on...following the above pattern repeatedly?
Alternatively, you can use 1, 2 and 3 instead of Key_Week1,
Key_Week2 and Key_Week3 for the new columns values
select distinct trunc(GenerateTimeBy1Day,'day') as claim_eff_date, trunc(GenerateTimeBy1Day,'day') + 20 AS bwe_to_complete_by from
select from_dt + (level - 1)/1 as GenerateTimeBy1Day
from (select from_dt
,to_dt - from_dt + 1 as days_between
from (select to_date('22-Dec-2019') as from_dt
, to_date('30-Dec-2040') as to_dt
from dual))
connect by (level - 1) <= days_between
order by claim_eff_date
Current Results: (Simply run the above query. No sample data is needed)
Claim_Eff_Date | BWE_To_Complete_By |
22-DEC-19 | 11-JAN-20 |
29-DEC-19 | 18-JAN-20 |
05-JAN-20 | 25-JAN-20 |
12-JAN-20 | 01-FEB-20 |
19-JAN-20 | 08-FEB-20 |
26-JAN-20 | 15-FEB-20 |
02-FEB-20 | 22-FEB-20 |
09-FEB-20 | 29-FEB-20 |
16-FEB-20 | 07-MAR-20 |
Desired Results:
Claim_Eff_Date | BWE_To_Complete_By | Key_Week_Group |
22-DEC-19 | 11-JAN-20 | Key_Week1 |
29-DEC-19 | 18-JAN-20 | Key_Week2 |
05-JAN-20 | 25-JAN-20 | Key_Week3 |
12-JAN-20 | 01-FEB-20 | Key_Week1 |
19-JAN-20 | 08-FEB-20 | Key_Week2 |
26-JAN-20 | 15-FEB-20 | Key_Week3 |
02-FEB-20 | 22-FEB-20 | Key_Week1 |
09-FEB-20 | 29-FEB-20 | Key_Week2 |
16-FEB-20 | 07-MAR-20 | Key_Week3 |
Claim_Eff_Date | BWE_To_Complete_By | Key_Week_Group |
22-DEC-19 | 11-JAN-20 | 1 |
29-DEC-19 | 18-JAN-20 | 2 |
05-JAN-20 | 25-JAN-20 | 3 |
12-JAN-20 | 01-FEB-20 | 1 |
19-JAN-20 | 08-FEB-20 | 2 |
26-JAN-20 | 15-FEB-20 | 3 |
02-FEB-20 | 22-FEB-20 | 1 |
09-FEB-20 | 29-FEB-20 | 2 |
16-FEB-20 | 07-MAR-20 | 3 |
And on and on and on
One option is just to calculate the row_number()
and then do a mod
to get the repitition.
with your_data as (
select distinct trunc(GenerateTimeBy1Day,'day') as claim_eff_date,
trunc(GenerateTimeBy1Day,'day') + 20 AS bwe_to_complete_by
select from_dt + (level - 1)/1 as GenerateTimeBy1Day
from (select from_dt
,to_dt - from_dt + 1 as days_between
from (select to_date('22-Dec-2019') as from_dt
, to_date('30-Dec-2040') as to_dt
from dual))
connect by (level - 1) <= days_between
order by claim_eff_date
select your_data.*,
mod( row_number() over (order by claim_eff_date) - 1, 3 ) + 1 key_week_group
from your_data