I need to get audio duration (from file and url) in the dart package (NOT IN FLUTTER APP).
When I am trying to use packages from the pub.dev
(like just_audio
or similar) I receive an error like next:
/.flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/services/binary_messenger.dart:6:8: Error: Not found: 'dart:ui'
So do you know the way how to get the duration in pure dart?
If you want to work only with mp3 files, you are lucky and you can use this package: mp3_info: ^0.2.0
Code example:
var url = Uri.parse('https://some_path/file.mp3');
var response = await http.get(url);
final mp3 = MP3Processor.fromBytes(response.bodyBytes);
// final mp3 = MP3Processor.fromFile(File('path_to_file'));
But if you need to work with other formats, you have to parse the file's byte data according to audio formats specs... or you can try to find some c/c++ libraries and use them through ffi