I want to issue a 301
redirect for all requests with a host different than the one identified as canonical.
Something like the following, without replicating it in every route:
CANONICAL_HOST = 'www.example.com'
def home():
if request.urlparts.netloc != CANONICAL_HOST:
redirect_url = request.urlparts._replace(netloc=CANONICAL_HOST).geturl()
return redirect(redirect_url, 301)
I finally found this 2013 SO's answer and I adapted it to my needs:
from bottle import Bottle, request, redirect
class RedirectToCanonicalURLPlugin():
api = 2
def apply(self, callback, route):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return (callback(*args, **kwargs)
if request.urlparts.netloc == self.CANONICAL_HOST
else self._redirect())
return wrapper
def _redirect(self):
return redirect(request.urlparts
._replace(netloc=self.CANONICAL_HOST).geturl(), 301)
app = Bottle()