I wish to run the following command using the Twilio CLI from Python:
ngrok_cmd = "twilio phone-numbers:update "+ my_number " --sms url=https://localhost:5000"
The command works on the terminal, but doesn't if I try to do it through python. It keeps giving the following error:
sh: 1: twilio: not found
I tried this:
ngrok_cmd = "/home/pi/.config/nvm/versions/node/v16.13.1/bin/twilio phone-numbers:update "+ my_number " --sms url=http://localhost:5000"
now I get this error:
» Could not find profile.
» To create the profile, run:
twilio profiles:create
Alternatively, twilio-cli can use credentials stored in environment variables:
# OPTION 1 (recommended)
export TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID=your Account SID from twil.io/console
export TWILIO_API_KEY=an API Key created at twil.io/get-api-key
export TWILIO_API_SECRET=the secret for the API Key
export TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID=your Account SID from twil.io/console
export TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN=your Auth Token from twil.io/console
Once these environment variables are set, a twilio-cli profile is not required and you may skip the "login" step.
However, I have already set the environmental variables in /etc/profile and verified it with:
printenv | grep TWI
I do not know what is the cause of this error. Can anyone help me with this?
The error message means that your shell cannot find the twilio
command. That is because it is looking in a different place from where it looks when you run it in your Terminal because the PATH (where shells look for commands) is not set the same.
You need to go in your normal Terminal where twilio
does work and run:
which twilio # or alternatively
type twilio
That will tell you where the twilio
command is, i.e. the full path to it.
Use that same full path in your Python code so that it can find it.