I am trying to get the data of a single struct and the data of a list of this struct in view methods in a smart contract. The struct would be something like:
#[derive(NestedEncode, NestedDecode, TopEncode, TopDecode, TypeAbi, Clone)]
pub struct Stream<M: ManagedTypeApi> {
pub id: u64,
pub payment: BigUint<M>,
pub enddate: u64,
pub receiver: ManagedAddress<M>,
A single view would be like:
fn get_stream(&self, id: u64) -> Stream<Self::Api> {
let payment = self.payment( id.clone() ).get().clone();
let enddate = self.enddate( id.clone() ).get().clone();
let receiver = self.receiver( id.clone() ).get().clone();
Stream {
in the mandos tests I would expect something like:
"expect": {
"out": [
but in the test I always get an un-encoded byte result like:
Want: ["u64:1", "100,000,000,000", "u64:200,000", "address:my_address"]. Have: [0x000000000000000100000005174876e8000000000000030d406d795f616464726573735f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f]
I also tried different return types such as ManagedMultiResultVec
, ManagedMultiResultVec
or MultiResult
with ManagedVec
in general. But all seem to produce this output for me.
I also could not find out how I can retrieve and decode such a result in a dApp in TypeScript with the erdjs lib.
Can someone tell me what I have missed?
In mandos, you should expect this as out:
"0id": "u64:1",
"1payment": "biguint:100,000,000,000",
"2enddate": "u64:200,000",
"3receiver": "address:my_address"
I think that should be right.
And in a Dapp, you need the ABI file of the contract and need to do something like:
const result = ...; // do transaction here
const abi = await SmartContractAbi.fromAbiPath('...abi.json');
From there you can figure out how to convert the result.