I am displaying a TabLayout and connecting it to a ViewPager2 object (by means of the TabLayoutMediator class). The TabLayout has a tabMode of scrollable and contains more tabs than can fit in the screen at once. I want to assert that a certain one of the tabs is visible and selected when my activity or fragment is rendered. How do I do this?
You can create a custom Matcher
for the tabs:
fun withTab(title: String) = withTab(equalTo(title))
fun withTab(title: Matcher<String>): Matcher<View> {
return object : BoundedMatcher<View, TabView>(TabView::class.java) {
override fun describeTo(description: Description) {
description.appendText("with tab: ")
override fun matchesSafely(item: TabView): Boolean {
return title.matches(item.tab?.text)
Then to find if a tab is currently showing, you can conveniently do it with:
onView(withTab("tab text")).check(matches(isCompletelyDisplayed()))
If you want to assert if a tab is currently selected, you can either adjust matchesSafely
to work with item.tab?.isSelected
, or simply create a new matcher.
However if you have more than one TabLayout
on the screen, then you may need to composite your matcher with isDescendantOfA
or withParent